Frequently asked questions
What age groups does Dr. Nicole work with?
Dr. Nicole works with adolescents beginning at age 14, and adults of any age.
How often are therapy sessions held?
Sessions are typically held weekly or biweekly; however, treatment varies from patient to patient, and the frequency of sessions can be determined during the initial session. Also, the topic of frequency of sessions can be revisited at any point in treatment.
How long are therapy sessions?
Sessions can either be 30 or 50 minutes. The first session, however, is 90 minutes, due to the amount of clinical intake information Dr. Nicole must obtain.
How do I pay for therapy sessions?
Dr. Nicole accepts credit and debit cards, paid via a link Dr. Nicole sends after the session is completed through a HIPPA-compliant system. Each session must be paid for the day the services are rendered.
What is the process of beginning treatment with Dr. Nicole?
If you are interested in beginning treatment with Dr. Nicole, please complete the contact form and state what you are looking to address in therapy. She will respond within 12 to 48 hours. If your presenting problem/issue is something that Dr. Nicole works with, she will contact you to set up a free phone consultation. This phone consultation will help to further identify what you are looking to address, and help determine if there is a good patient-psychologist "fit."
Are telehealth services offered?
Currently, Dr. Nicole is only seeing patients via telehealth (video sessions). The day of the session, Dr. Nicole sends a link to your e-mail, so that you can log on at the time of your session. Telehealth sessions are held on a secure, HIPPA-compliant platform.
Why teleheath sessions?
Initially, telehealth gained immense popularity during the rise of COVID due to psychotherapy offices being closed; however, since that time, Dr. Nicole has witnessed how well this format works! Due to the busyness of life and possible difficulties in locating care that is close to you geographically, telehealth sessions can be a worthwhile alternative to in-office visits. Telehealth offers reduced stress about getting to an office in a timely manner and no travel time. For some individuals, being in the comfort of their own personal space (sometimes, with their beloved pet(s)!) is of great value to them. It should be noted, however, that telehealth is not suitable for every person, and this will be assessed during a consultation phone call with Dr. Nicole.
Will therapy be unpleasant?
Understandably, individuals seeking therapeutic services are not looking to only speak about the highlight reels of their lives. As such, since therapy involves disclosing unpleasant aspects of one's life, you may experience feelings such as sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. On the other hand, psychotherapy has been shown to be beneficial. Potential benefits may include improved communication, the development of coping strategies, changing unhelpful thought and behavior patterns, conflict resolution, decreased level of emotional distress, and increased self-awareness; however, there are no guarantees of what you will experience.

If I choose to begin therapy how long will it take?
The length of treatment is person-dependent. Every individual's circumstances are unique to them, as are the factors motivating someone to seek professional help. The factors that can influence length in treatment are varied, but some examples include your level of commitment, problem severity, time and financial restraints, and degree of desire to see substantial change in your life.
What should I expect in the first session?
After you have completed the initial phone consultation with Dr. Nicole, and you have mutually agreed to work together, an appointment will be set. Prior to the first session, Dr. Nicole will e-mail you an invitation to a patient portal through her HIPPA-compliant electronic records system. Through this patient portal, you will complete intake paperwork including, but not limited to, treatment consent and clinical history forms. The initial session is 90 minutes. During this session, Dr. Nicole conducts a thorough clinical interview including a behavioral health history. If you are seeking therapy for your teen, Dr. Nicole will let you know beforehand how the initial session will be structured. Typically, Dr. Nicole meets with the parent(s) and teen together, and then with the parent(s) and teen separately.